Why you'd want to live in Spanish Fort
Spanish Fort is a young city, having been established on July 19, 1993. The residents of this thriving community saw the possibility of annexation by the a nearby city and, alternately, welcomed the idea of forming their own new city. The spirit of community which was evident then remains the backbone of Spanish Fort. We are a community of residents with our focus on small town values and with an eye to the future. The Mayor and Council Members continually strive to maintain the managed growth of our City while keeping our village atmosphere. Spanish Fort rests on a hill overlooking Mobile Bay, just 10 miles east of Mobile. A city rich in history, Spanish Fort has adopted the title, “A City of Spirit”. Our City Seal displays the six flags which have flown over our city during its long history. Historic plaques dot our streets, especially in Spanish Fort Estates, where many streets have names associated with the Civil War. Street names include General Canby Drive, General Gibson Drive, Bugle Retreat, Rally Road, Artillery Range, Confederate Drive, Soldier’s Route, Blakeley Way, Union Pass, and Cavalry Charge. Remnants of breastworks from the Civil War still remain throughout our area subdivisions. Since incorporating in 1993, three mayors have served the City of Spanish Fort. Under their leadership, the City annexed the State Hwy. 90 Causeway into the City limits, was instrumental in bringing two large retail developments and their tax revenue to the City, and annexed a large-scale Planned Unit Development, the Highlands Of Spanish Fort, into the City. These decisions have increased our City’s footprint from 1,542 acres in 1995 to approximately 17,561 acres today. As we look forward to the future, we anticipate continued emphasis on providing big city services as our small town continues to serve its residents well. via cityofspanishfort.com